

读后写Tom noticed the flame was reaching up. Frozen witfear, he stood rooted to the spot and held Jane's hatightly. Both of them were coughing heavily. Time seeto stand still, though they were probably there for onltwo or three minutes. Tom begged Jane to run for safetyas quickly as possible. Jane tried to protect her nose fithe choking smoke and shook her head. She bit againstdoor again and again.Luckilysomeneighbors passing by stoppoffered help. A sense of strength immediately replacedfear and anxiety in Jane's mind. She told them MsMakcil must be still in the room. They forced theopen with all their strength. Sure enough, Makeikinside the room, lying in bed, unconscious. Shecarried downstairs and then rushed to the hospital, whershe finally came to herself. People in the neighborhood felieved and Jane and Tom were very happy.读后写Tom noticed the flame was reaching up. Frozen witfear, he stood rooted to the spot and held Jane's hatightly. Both of them were coughing heavily. Time seeto stand still, though they were probably there for onltwo or three minutes. Tom begged Jane to run for safetyas quickly as possible. Jane tried to protect her nose fithe choking smoke and shook her head. She bit againstdoor again and again.Luckilysomeneighbors passing by stoppoffered help. A sense of strength immediately replacedfear and anxiety in Jane's mind. She told them MsMakcil must be still in the room. They forced theopen with all their strength. Sure enough, Makeikinside the room, lying in bed, unconscious. Shecarried downstairs and then rushed to the hospital, whershe finally came to herself. People in the neighborhood felieved and Jane and Tom were very happy.



