2022-2022年 英语周报 八年级 阅读版 第16期答案


第二节One possible versionFinally, as his sob quieted, his mother pulled back to look athim. " Rex, take the bird to Mr. Blake and tell him what happened.You will never have peace if you dont face him. Mr. Blakedeserves to know the truth she said with a firm look. The walk toMr. Blake's house was difficult. Leaving his mother in the yardRex stepped to the front door with the dead turkey. He knockedhoping Mr Blake wouldnt answer. But the door openedHi, Mr: blake, Rex handed him the dead bird. When he toldthe whole story of how he killed the turkey by mistake, Rex lookedat the ground, too frightened to look up there was a momentssilence and then Mr. Blake said, Thats all right. We'll eat it fordinner today. A smile appeared on his face. Rex couldnt believewhat he had heard. As he ran home he felt as if a rock had beenlifted from his shoulders. He realized that doing the right thing wastruly easy in the end



2022-2022年 英语周报 八年级 阅读版 第16期答案

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