



20.(14分)(1)1分)球形(1分)(2)小于(1分)Zn原子半径小,且价电子排布为全满结构,第一电离能更大(1分)(3)平面三角形(1分)(4)F>N>H(1分)sp3(1分)HF分子间能形成氢键(1分)(5)①1:1(2分)②2.06×19(2分,其他合理答案也给分)③(0,,)(2分)【解析】(1)基态F原子的价电子排布式为2s2p3,2其轨道表达式为回基态Zn原子的价电子排布式为3d04s2,占据最高能层电子的电子云轮廓图形状为球形。(2)K与Zn属于同一周期,Zn原子半径小,且价电子排布式为3d04s2的全满结构,故K的第一电离能小于Zn的第一电离能(3)CO中C原子的价层电子对数为3,孤电子对数为0,其立体构型为平面三角形(4)元素的非金属性越强,电负性越大,故NHHF2的组成元素的电负性由大到小的顺序为F>N>H;其中N原子的价层电子对数为4,杂化方式为sp2;HF分子间能形成氢键故能形成分子缔合体(HF)(5)①由图可知,ZnF2中Zn的配位数为6, KZnF3中Zn的配位数为6,二者之比为1:1②每个ZnF2晶胞中含有2个Zn2和4个F-,ZnF2晶体的密度为103×2gNA·(a×10-cm)2×(c×10-cm)2.06×102Na2g·cm-s③由晶胞结构图知,D点原子处于面心位置,D的原子坐标参数为(0,2·2)


[ESE I When I was about to say goodbye. the girl asked if I'd had lunch. I told her I hadnt had lunch because I'd been waiting here for help for nearly three hours. The girl said they didnt have lunch either She suggested to herparents that we have lunch together Their truck happened to have some food and some things for the picnic. So weate together in a vacant lot by the side of the road During that time, I told about what had happened to me and howI felt. They shared interesting stories about their lives in Mexico and on fruit farms. After lunch, the girl's motherput a paper bag of fruit in my jeep. I showed my gratitude again and we said goodbye to each otherAfter they left, I got into my jeep and opened the paper bag. There are some delicate fruits in the paper bagwas surprised to find the money i had quietly left them At the same time, there was a note written by a girl, whichead "We are very happy to be able to help you. We have encountered many difficulties and been disappointed. Butwe met a lot of helpful people, which made us feel very warm. To help others with one's own ability is also a kindof lifting a finger. The beauty of life comes from these lifting a finger. I hope you have a good life and a happymood. "This made me very moved, and i would try my best to help more people in the future to make our worldmore beautiful and warmer

