2022-2022年英语周报八年级 牛津 XZS 第20期答案


Paragraph 1On Monday morning, hiding behind the window, wesoon saw what we were waiting for. It turned out that there They were too funny as they hopped away holding theirwere three of them from our school. They sneaked up on injured feet. We just couldn't contain our happiness andour snowman and sneered. Taking their places on either i excitement. With a hearty laugh, we came out of hidingside, they pulled back their legs to deliver powerful kicks. and sprang into the yard from inside the house. " An eye forBut the moment they hit the hard ice block of the base,. an eye! Justice done! "We yelled behind them. And thatsneers turned into shock, then agony and tears. They was the end of our problems with the snow bullies. Everhowled and cursed, gritting their teeth and stomping their i since then, our snowman was kept guarded and intact untilhappily melted into spring water and finally wove into ourParagraph 2sweetest childhood memoriesSeeing their pained looks, we couldn t help laughing


【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。港珠澳大桥建成式画这世纪工程的建成离不开所有参与者的置与,在荷兰一公司的刁难下同济大学的专家们献策他们反复研究、试验,攻破了港珠澳太桥建设的重重技术难关,创造了世界奇迹。8.C【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段 the Tongji University academic served as a senior adviser on the con-struction of the hong Kong-Zhuhai- Macao Bridge可知他是港珠澳大桥的高级顾问,因此他应该为这个工程的建设提供了许多建议。故选C。9.A【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段 The companywanted to charge US S171 million. He then asked forhelp from Xu along with experts in Tongji University. A知是因为荷兰公司要价太高,工程总经理才求助同济大学的专家的。故选A10.B【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段可知,同济大学开发的方法减少了大桥对处于国家一级保护下的中华白海豚的影响。大桥建造过程中的一个关键挑战是67公里的海底隧道这是世界上最长和最深的海底隧道,故选B。11D【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段 Hu Xiangdong, another professor with Tongji, developed amethod to freeze the earth around the tunnel to preventwater leakage可知该专家通过冰冻隧道周围的泥土的方法来防止漏水。故选D。

2022-2022年英语周报八年级 牛津 XZS 第20期答案

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