

第一节【写作提示】1.审题:(1)人称:以第一、二人称为主;(2)时态:以一般现在时和般将来时为主;(3)体裁:书信类应用文2.写作要点:(1)约定时间、地点,交代事件;(2)描述路线;(3)发出邀请。【参考范文】Dear lisaWe will go on a picnic in the Ruyi Park at 8: 30 a. m. next SundayIm e-mailing you to invite you to join us. If you don ' t know how to getthere, the following directions might help youOpposite our school, there is a bus stop where you can take a No102 bus. Then please get off at Binjiang Road stop, from whichyou cansee a bridge. Cross the bridge, and you will reach the gate of the RuyiPark, which is well-known for its hills covered with trees and flowers aswell as its spring water full of wild fish. I sincerely hope you can come.Im sure you will enjoy yourself if you doYoursLi Hua【点评】本文要点齐全,文章言简意赅。首段开门见山表明写邮件的目的,第二段详细介绍去公园的路线,思路明确,结构清晰。同时文中灵活运用了 get off, covered with, as well as, enjoy yourself等短语以及限制性定语从句( where you can take a No.102bus)、非限制性定语从句( from which you can see a bridge和 which is well-known for ithills covered with trees and flowers as well as its spring water full of wifish)、“陈述句+and+陈述句"等句式,增加了语言表达的丰富性。



