

【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了sense种检测Coid-19的新方法一 Artificialks:28答案命题点拔】细节理解题。解题思路文章第一段的首句指出:新冠肺这我很难检测出来。根据其后的叙述”Mmpeople who catch the virus clearly show symp"2of being ill, like having a fever or a dry coughBut many others show no signs at ali..Thespeople are'asymptomatic'(的原因是许多病毒感染者有症状,但也有许多无状感染者。故选A29.【答案命题点拔】细节理解题解题思路】根据第四段中的“… the way yoeven if you're asymptom可知,当你感染会产生变化。即AI是通过识别人体声音的变Ovid-19的。故选A30.【答案】B命题点拔!细节理解题。解题思路】根据最后一段中的“ The scientistsnow want to turn their model into an app that canrun on cell phones. If they're able to do that, itcould allow people to quickly and easily checkwhether they havee caught the coronavirus科学家现在想要把他们的模型变成可以在手机地查看自己是否感染了新型冠状病毒。故选31.答案】D命题点拨l标题归纳题解题思路】文章第二段提出话题“Nowscientists at MIr have developed a method oftelling whether a person has Covid-19, simplyfrom the way they cough or speak... an ArtificialIntelligence( Al) method known as‘DeLearning'"。全文介绍的都是AI方法的相关情况。故选D。


第三节One possible wersionParagraph 1Some time later, he woke up under a tree in the samevalley. He was alone, worried about his dog and he knewhe was going to get into more trouble with his wife. Then henoticed a curious thing his hair was over his shouldersand his beard was over a foot long! So strange was he thathe decided immediately to get back to the village. As soonas he got there, he realized that everything was differentand there were lots of new houses. Surprisingly, he didn'trecognize the people in the villageParagraph 2:When he got to his house, he saw that it was old andbandoned. To his sorrow, his wife had died two years before and the two children had left away. Despite the arment with his wife, he was regretful for the past. Facingthis sharp change, Rip was determined to change his way ofliving and never be a lazy man. He became a diligentfarmer and kept pace with the new society. In his sparetime, he would still go to the old inn that had been rebuiltto tell some stories about his adventure in the valley, whichappealedto the children a lo

