

ear jonaIm glad to hear from you and i d like to share withyou something about serving chopsticksi As you know, people in China are encouraged to useserving chopsticks, which are different from personal chopticks in shape and colour serving chopsticks are used totake food from shared dishes. You can add food to yourbowl with them, but never place them into your mouth oryour own bowlUsing serving chopsticks benefits everyone at tableFirst of all, it prevents diseases from' spreading while weare eating together. We can also use them to put food intoothers bowls, thus creating a pleasant and harmoniousdining atmosphereHoping you'l come to China to experience themfirst handYoourL i hua


32.B词义猜测题。根据第二段中 cond-borms are more likely than first-bons to behave badly老二比老大更有行为不端。可知,弟弟妹蛛应该会带来麻烦事,因此猜测划线词甲is意为”麻烦制造者”。故选B项“有可A细节理解题。根据第三段中 The reason why second- born siblings may be worse behaved than first- born is thatparents tend to pay less aftention to them.第二胎的兄弟姐妹比第一胎的表现更差的原因是父母往往不太关性他们。可知,二胎孩子从父母那里得到的关注度影响了他们的行为。故选A项34.C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中 The first- born has role models, who are adults. And the second, later-bomnchildren have role models who are slightly unreasonable2- year-olds, you know, their older siblings.第一个孩子有自己榜样,他们都是成年人。第二代,也就是晚出生的孩子,他们的榜样是有点不理性的比他们大的2岁的孩子你知道,就是他们的哥哥姐姐。由此判断出,约器夫,通尔认为,年长的兄弟姐妹对他们弟弟妹妹的问题负有部分责任。故选C项。35.D标题概括题。根据第一段中 Do you have a younger brother? Does he always get in trouble??wel, there might Isome science behind that.你有弟弟吗?他总是惹麻烦吗?哪,这背后可能有一些科学道理。以及第二段中Acing to a report from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, second-borns are more likely than first-boms to be.have badly根据麻省理工学院的一份报告,老二比老大更有可能行为不端。可知,本文主要是根据报告分析了么二胎孩子表现不佳,因此本文的最佳标题是选项D为什么第二胎的孩子会表现不佳”。故选D项。

