


28.(1)①+329kJ·mol-1(2分)②<(1分);<(1分);4(1分)③750(1分)(2)①4NH1+4NO+(、帐秒4N+6H2O(2分)②900℃(1分);催化剂失去活性(1分)③Ⅱ(1分)(3)①减小(1分)②SeO)+4e+3H2O=Se+60H(2分)【解析】本题主要考查化学反应原理,考查环境保护与绿色化学知识。(1)①根据盖斯定律,反应1一反应Ⅱ×2,得△H=+329kJ·mol-②已知CH4(g)+CO2(g)=200(g)+2H2(g)的正反应气体分子数增加在恒温条件下,减小压强,平衡正向移动,C(的平衡转化率增大,即压强:p 逆)起始时中加人1 nol CH4和1 mol CO2,在温度为T初始时反应,达到平衡时CO2的转化率为50%,则:为起始时物质的量(mo)1CH,(g+CO(w=2c((g+2(o变化的物质的量(mol)0.5平衡时物质的量(mo)0.50.5得K=4。n(CH,③当投料比n(CO)2.0时,要使积碳量最小,根据积哪与投料比、温度的关系图可知,应调节温度在750℃左右(2)①根据图示反应机理可知,总反应的化学方程式为4NH1+4N+O2催化剂=4N2+6H2O②在温度超过1000℃时NO脱除率骤然下降,主要原因是温度升高过多,催化剂失去活性③由图3可知,反应I的活化能比反应Ⅱ的活化能小,所以反应I的反应速率比反应Ⅱ的反应速率大,因此决定总反应的反应速率的是反应Ⅱ(3)①Na2SeO3为强碱弱酸盐,水解使溶液呈碱性。经离子交换法处理后,Na2SeO转化为NaCl,溶液碱性减弱,所以废水的pH将减小。


Paragraph 1A seat beside her was empty, and Dannis occupiedHe ielt a wave of anger swept over him. "Where is mywallet?"he yelled. The black-haired girl glanced up fromher reading, with a confused look on her face. Dannis stoodup, glared at her and shouted, "You stole my wallet! "Thecrowds began to gossip. The girl turned deadly palelooking so restless that words failed her. A strange silencehung in the air. Abruptly, she leaped from the seat.Paragraph 2:The girl ran and Dannis ran after her. After awhile, Dannis finally grabbed her by the arm. At exactlyhat moment, a policeman approached them and askedbout what happened. Dannis hastened to explain it whilethe girl frowned with a shake of her head. After furtherenquiries, the policeman took out a wallet and banded it toDannis,adding that someone had found it in the toiletWhat a mistake he had made! Overwhelmed byyDannis made an apology to thegirl.

