英语周报 2018-201综合(OT) 27答案


弟一节短文改It was a dream for me to learn to swim so I asked mycousinhe could be of help and he agreedf/whetherwithout hesitationIn the afternoon my cousin and I went to the seawhen the lesson began. Hours later I could swim a bit butwhereI still needed much practise. I was wearing out when wepracticewornheaded back. I eat my dinner and went to bed. The nextday, I went with Mom to the market and she bought to ussomething. I told Mom that I felt like move and livingmovingthere permanent and not just for a visit. He promised topermanentlySheconsider ItI felt happy that I was leaving with such A new lifeaexperience


36-40 EDGBF七选五:本文是一篇说明文,主要说明了为何旧书比新书好。36.E【解析】空前说很值得在这些新书中挑选一些旧书阅读与E项“这里就列举了为何旧书能从许多新书中脱颖而出的原因”语义衔接,符合语境,故选E项。37.D【解析】本段的首句说旧书通常是免费的而且在二手书店是打折的,而D项“有很多办法可以找到这些免费书”承接上下文,且 free books为线索特征词38.G【解析】空后说每一个人都知道这些故事,而且每一个人都从历史的角度讲述这些故事,与G项“许多书都有些故事或传说像《贝奥武夫》和《杀死一只知更鸟》”语义衔接,符合语境39.B【解析】本段的第一句和最后一句都说明一个观点:能够流传下来的旧书是经过了时间的检验的,而B项“他们不需要证明自己”概括准确。40.F【解析】本段的大意:好书都是一代代传下来的经过了时代的证明。而F项“我们的大脑每天都会不断地产生一些想法,但最好的想法经受住了时间的检验”与本段主旨逻辑一致,符合语境。

英语周报 2018-201综合(OT) 27答案

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